Create a Power Intention to Achieve Success!

Posted by on Mar 18, 2018 in Self-Improvement | 0 comments

Power Intentions are a beacon to guide us toward our most desired results. Others may call them goals or objectives – important things they want to accomplish.   Power intentions are similar however, they take you one step further. It is something you want to accomplish/change, that is powerful to you and that you intend to accomplish. 

Here are some steps to get you moving:

Make it about what you desire

  • What one thing would have the most impact on your life today and in the coming year? 
  • If you do this, how would your life be better?
  • Ask yourself, is it what I really want or is it about what I don’t want?
  • Am I please myself or what others think I should be?
  • How will doing this take me toward my larger goal?

Keep it specific

  • Look for ways to make your intention specific.  Say “Exercise 3 times each week to feel amazing” instead of “Exercise to improve my overall health” or “Spending 20 minutes a day updating my website will be fun” instead of “Create a fantastic website” or “I will do something each day that scares me” instead of “I will act with courage”.
  • Don’t use the words “want” or “try.  These words let us off the hook. It is what I wanted to do but… I will give it a try… As Yoda would say, “Do or not. There is no try”.   
  • Make it a big intention but not unrealistic.  Be honest with yourself.  What is it that you can really accomplish in the time frame you have set and fits into you current circumstances.  If you make it unattainable, it is easy to give up. 

Keep it relevant by keeping it visible

  • Carry your intention statement with you
  • Set alarm on your phone or computer each day – an appointment with your intentions
  • Put post-it notes in frequented places – bathroom mirror, coffee machine, doors, closet, just somewhere you will see it at least 3 times a day
  • Make it your cover page on phone or computer
  • Find an “intention partner” who will help you stay focused (texts, emails, calls, etc.)
  • Doodle, color or write it down – the more often the better.  Journaling is good.
  • Say it to yourself just before you go to sleep and first thing each morning
  • Create a Vision Board

I create an annual Power Intention as a guiding theme for the year, but you can create one for only a month or the next three months. Embrace it, and you will see your intention become reality! 


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